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How much to Move to stay Healthy and Strong?

That is a tricky question, but there is a simple answer.

  • Move - Moving about, doing things, pottering around as they say.

  • Exercise - Elevate your heart rate and challenge your muscles a little bit.

  • Stand up - Take regular breaks during your sitting time.

You probably wonder how much is enough?  Well, this depends on you, where you are, and where you want to be. However, let’s start with the following:

Daily Movement Health checklist:

  1. Move - Try to find three different ways you can be more physically active. Be creative. Simple examples include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, cycling to work instead of driving, or going for some nice walks to spend time outdoors.

  2. Exercise - Explore different fitness activities and see what you enjoy and what works for you. Even 10 minutes makes a huge difference to your long-term health. Thirty minutes would be great.

  3. Stand up - Stand up every 30-60 minutes you spend sitting and move around a bit. Yes, it’s that simple. See how many breaks you will remember to take during the day.

I will stop myself here and ask you to explore the above. Remember, we are aiming for consistency, not perfection. The first few days and weeks will be a trial to see what works for you.

Here’s a small gift which will help you tick that exercise box: follow along with a mobility practice I usually do at midday just before my coffee.

Do you feel like you want to be fitter, stronger and more flexible
but not sure where to start? 

It would be great to meet you in person for Free Movement Taster session.
You can Book it via the button below.